Franchise with us

For as little as $1500 claim your area today! Make your money back in less than a month!!

earn additional income

This is the perfect side hustle for anyone looking to make some extra cash!

full support

We will teach you everything about running your own small business. We learned the hard way for you to learn the easy way.

low maintenance

One of the cheapest franchise options out there. Our rental model requires very little time.

foampartyzz history

My wife and I started Foampartyzz just a few years ago to make some extra cash. Little did we know, that Foampartyzz would be so successful and all our customers and their families love the service! We love running Foampartyzz because of how happy it makes the kids. Happy kids equals happy parents. We have learned so much since starting this adventure and would love for you to join!

Why Choose Us?

We will walk you step-by-step on how to run a successful foam party rental business from your home.  By using our rental model, make money with very little time. Perfect for a stay at home parent, looking to make a couple hundred bucks each week, or hustle hard and make a couple thousand dollars a month. We would love for you to join the team, and help us build the biggest foam party platform in the USA!!!

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Our Address

1985 North Meadow Point Dr. Lehi UT. 84043

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[email protected]

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